Different Silk Road - Journey escorted by Antares tire

  • 2018.11.17
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The silk road was a historic trade route across the Eurasian continent and promoted friendly exchanges between European, Asian and African countries and China. China is the hometown of silk which was the most representative of goods exported by China in the trade through this route.

Recently, Russia, which borders China, has embarked on a silk tour.

Some like-minded friends met in Moscow and set off together to Xinjiang after packing. Went through Kazakhstan and across Kyrgyzstan, they experienced a lot being together in this three months.  They left their footprints in the countries of Mongolia, China, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, etc. .

No any other tire has ever made the magnificent journey of 33303 kilometers to travel, to transcend and experience. Different scenery, various roads. Wanders willfully through grasslands, deserts, rivers and jungles.

There are mountain roads, rocky and rugged.

There are deserts and endless sands.

There are roads, flat and broad, with a clear view.

There are rural roads, narrow and congested.

There are city roads,busy and bustling.


In addition to the scenery along the way, the different weather and the unique landscape in different regions challenged them in the journey experiencing speed and passion. All of these could not be achieved without the automobile which is inseparable from the tire, dealing with a variety of weather and confronting various landscape. The unparalleled performance, giving the most secure guarantee.

Although it is quite new on market, Antares tire is sold in more than 90 countries around the world because of the European and American production technology and technics it uses and from its appearance to its performance it’s recognized by overseas users. It is also sold on well-known Internet sales platforms in Europe, USA and Japan. Since 2013, the company began to deploy the domestic market in a targeted manner, and successively landed in online shopping malls such as Tmall, Jingdong, Gome, and Amazon, and became the independent tire brand officially authorized for online sales.

In terms of its performance, its grip ability is super strong, very strong. Low noise and comfortable with excellent control, comfort, and no matter on wet road or dry road, it shows excellent grip and excellent adaptability, adding unlimited driving pleasure to the driver.

This silk road was a perfect example of the performance of the tires.